Angier business steps up to help
Date Published:Local Harnett County Fabric Shop is manufacturing PPE for healthcare industry
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When President Donald Trump issued a call last week for citizens and business to help fight the growing pandemic associated with the coronavirus, one business listened and is now doing its part to help, providing desperately needed medical equipment to a Wake County hospital and other facilities.
Sew There, on Depot Street in Angier, is a popular place for local people to get their fabric needs. Fabric, pillows, blankets and sewing materials are among the items usually sold there. While that business is continuing, the shop is also doing its part to combat the coronavirus. A team of employees and members of the community are now making desperately needed masks that are being shipped to medical professionals at Wake Medical Center.
Owner Bonnie Glover came up with the idea as a way to help. She said she heard President Donald Trump’s plea for help from citizens and businesses. In a press conference last week, the president asked the country to look for ways to make the desperately needed masks and other personal protection equipment, or PPE.
Glover learned of a more specific need.
“I heard nurses at Wake Medical Center needed masks for surgical and sterile areas,” Glover said. “I just thought it was something I could help with.”
Glover used the internet to make sure the masks met required specifications.
“We looked into it and we found out specific things that we need to do to make the masks safe,” Glover said. “We found out it is something we can do.”
Masks were being made at the store Tuesday, with two sewing machines busily buzzing in a back room. Other people in the local community are making masks at home, with a total of nine local sewers working together. The team has a goal of completing a total of 300 masks. Wake Medical Center may not be the only institution that benefits from her generosity.
“We delivered 47 to a local nursing facility,” Glover said. “We will pretty much help any medical facility where the people need to protect themselves to stay healthy.”
One of those working at the store Tuesday was Vickie Grimes.
“I am so excited that I found a way I can help,” Grimes said.
Like anything else, the project takes money. Several local businesses have stepped in to help, providing funds for needed materials.
Businesses that have contributed to the project include the Angier Meat Market, ARS Extreme Construction and others.
“That has really helped us,” Glover said.
The need for masks and other equipment is growing. CommWell Health in Sampson County is asking for help. According to an item in the Dunn Area Chamber of Commerce newsletter, the business is continuing to operate on a normal schedule, but with limited supplies.
The business needs N95 faces masks, disposable gowns, disposable gloves and disposable face masks. Anyone who has masks or supplies they are willing to donate is asked to contact Andrea Morales-Williams at 910-567-7177.