Vance County
Henderson and Vance County are regional business and retail hubs for half a dozen counties in northern North Carolina and southern Virginia. Sitting at the intersection of US-1 and I-85, we’re less than an hour from the business and cultural attributes of Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill and a workforce of more than 1 million people within 45 miles. It’s the best of both worlds. A friendly, hometown city with Southern charm and big-city benefits.
Major Employers

Noteworthy Characteristics
Vance County offers direct access to Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill with national and global connections and a labor force of more than 1.1 million people within 45 miles (the population in this same radius is over 2 million).

One of the unique business assets in Vance County is Vance-Granville Community College. It’s part of North Carolina’s 58-campus, nationally recognized community college system, and offers customized skills training to new and expanding industries at little or no cost.
Kerr Lake is the biggest outdoor attraction in Vance County. It’s the largest recreational lake east of the Mississippi River with 800+ miles of shoreline and 50,000 acres of fresh water.

Infrastructure and Accessibility

Interstate 85 (North-South) has 8 interchanges in Vance County and runs from North Carolina through the manufacturing heart of the Southeast.
Vance County is approximately 3 and ½ hours from North Carolina’s deep water ocean ports in Wilmington and Morehead City. We’re 2 and ½ hours from the Port of Virginia in Norfolk and less than two hours from the Port of Richmond on the James River in Virginia.

Vance County News

[PRESS RELEASE] Vance County Names New Economic Development Director.

Governor Cooper Announces Five Grants to Rural Communities to Attract 133 New Jobs and more than $68 Million in Private Investment

Governor Cooper Announces More Grants to Rural Communities to Attract 210 New Jobs and over $91 Million in Private Investment
Connect with Vance County
Interested in learning more about Vance County? Get in touch with their economic development team.