Upcoming Economic Development Events in the Region

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“Beyond Raleigh – Economic Development Within the Triangle Region”

Date: Thursday, February 7, 2019 7:30 A.M.
Venue: Wake Tech RTP Campus  Morrisville, NC United States
Executive Director Ryan Combs will join Chris Johnson, Economic Development Director of Johnston County EDC, Dwight Bassett, Economic Development Director of Orange County EDC and Evan Stone, VP of Economic Development for the Cary Chamber of Commerce to moderate the panel. 

Oftentimes Economic Development updates in the Research Triangle Region are focused on the cities of Raleigh and Durham.  However, true growth is being experienced in many of the smaller communities in the Research Triangle beyond Raleigh and Durham – each playing their part in the robust growth and development that we see here in the Triangle.  Join Dwight Basset from Chapel Hill, Evan Stone from Cary, and Chris Johnson from Johnston County as they discuss the unprecedented growth occurring in their communities, and their thoughts on how their communities fit into the regional piece of the puzzle known as The Research Triangle Region.  This forum will give us an inside look into the growth strategies for their individual communities, focus on recent exciting announcements, as well as provide insight into how the region works together to benefit us all.

Register here.


Triangle CREW Nominations

The Champion Awards is an annual event that seeks to recognize the many successful real estate projects and individuals that make the Triangle area such a dynamic place to live and do business. The Awards Ceremony is a fun, elegant luncheon that brings together over 400 of the brightest and best community leaders to celebrate the accomplishments of the best projects and professionals in commercial real estate. Nominations should reflect projects, accomplishments, or achievements between January 1st – December 31st for all awards with the exception of Impact Award and Professional Commercial Real Estate Service Award.

The Champion Awards Luncheon will be held on April 26, 2019 at the Embassy Suites in Cary, NC. Nominees will be notified in mid-March of their nomination and winners will be named at the Champions Awards Luncheon.

Submit a nomination here by Feb. 8.


Triangle Talent: The Workforce of Tomorrow 

Date: Wednesday, February 20, 2019 8:00 A.M. – 10:00 A.M.
Venue: Raleigh Convention Center
500 S Salisbury St Raleigh, NC 27601

In 2018, we focused on “Understanding the Skills Gap” and unveiled data from the region’s first workforce skills analysis. The data indicated that more than 70 percent of our existing industries plan to add jobs in the next three years! During that time, the businesses surveyed said they expect to hire between 22,000 and 36,700 people for new jobs. The data also revealed that technology skills are critical across all industry sectors, not just IT.

What does this mean for the future of our talent pipeline? At this year’s “Triangle Talent: The Workforce of Tomorrow,” we will explore how the demands of the IT skill set will impact our local workforce and unveil a new initiative focused on educating and mentoring the talent of the future.

Register here.


Opportunity Chatham 

Date: Friday, February 22, 2019 8:00 A.M. – 10:00 A.M.
Venue: Chatham County Agriculture & Conference Center

1192 U.S. 64 W Business Pittsboro, NC 27312

Join Chatham Economic Development Corporation for our annual Opportunity Chatham breakfast meeting on Friday, February 22, 2019 at 8 to 10 a.m. at the Chatham County Agriculture & Conference Center in Pittsboro.

We’re pleased to welcome North Carolina Secretary of Commerce Anthony M. Copeland as our keynote speaker. Secretary Copeland leads North Carolina’s largest economic development agency and has his fingers on the pulse of what companies need to expand and grow their businesses in North Carolina.

Since the previous Opportunity Chatham, our team has worked hard to promote business growth in Chatham County. We look forward to sharing our successes and strengths with you, as well as the challenges we need to address.

This is a tremendous gathering of business and community leaders from Chatham County and surrounding areas. We look forward to seeing you there!

Interested in sponsorship opportunities? Contact Alyssa Byrd at abyrd@chathamedc.org.

Register here.