RTRP is here to help you tap into the Triangle.

As a partner, connection, advocate, and guide.

We serve as a connector between businesses looking to expand or relocate, and the economic development offices, government agencies, and business organizations that support private sector growth.

Acting as proud ambassadors, we introduce companies and organizations to a region that offers incredible access to diverse talent, a competitive cost of living, a strong and diverse economic climate, a supportive infrastructure, and quality of life that is second to none.

Our primary goal is to market the region to external audiences on why the Research Triangle Region is the best place to live and do business.

Our Team

Ryan Combs

Erin Smith

2024-2025 Board of Directors

Chris Bell*Chairman of the Board
Michael Landguth
Raleigh-Durham Airport Authority
Ryan Combs*
RTRP Executive Director
Farad Ali* – Immediate Past Chairman of the Board
Institute of Minority Economic Development
Andrew Holton*
The Research Triangle Foundation of NC
Adrienne Cole* Board Secretary
Raleigh Chamber of Commerce
Buzz Crosby* Board Treasurer
Martin Marietta
Adam Klein*Chair Elect
American Underground

Chatham County

C. Michael Smith* Chatham County Economic Development Corporation
Chris Ehrenfeld Bold NC
Franklin Gomez Chatham County Flores Board of Commissioner

Durham County

Geoff Durham* Greater Durham Chamber of Commerce
John L. Atkins (past chair) O’Brien/Atkins
James H. Sills, III M&F Bank
Nimasheena Burns, Commissioner

Franklin County

Barbara Fiedor* Franklin County EDC
Fred Keller Wake Electric Membership Corporation

Granville County

Joe Stallings Granville County EDC
Allen Winston* Winston International, LTD.
Joshua Florio Ontic

Harnett County

Stephen Barrington Economic Development Director
Dr. Lisa Chapman
Central Carolina Community College
Lew Weatherspoon* Commissioner

Johnston County

Chris Johnson* Johnston County ED
Kevin Dougherty* Adventure Development
Randy Jones

Lee County

Jimmy Randolph* Sanford Area Growth Alliance
Donnie Oldham Sanford Contractors
Jimmy Keen Truist

Nash County

J. Andrew (Andy) Hagy Nash County Economic Development
Robbie B. Davis* Nash County Board of Commissioners

Orange County

Steve Brantley Orange County Economic Development
Don Hobart* The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Phyllis Portie-Ascott

Person County

Brandy Lynch Person County Economic Development
Gordon Powell* Person County Board of Commissioners
Phillip Allen Economic Development Member

Vance County

Ferdinand Rouse
Dan Brummitt* Vance County Commissioner
Greg Ethridge Gupton Services

Wake County

Beth Tyner Jones Womble Bond Dickinson
Jimmy Goodmon CBC New Media Group, LLC
Kevin McLaughlin Duke Energy
Benjamin Pattison Bank of America

Warren County

Angelena Kearney-Dunlap*
Brady Martin* Warren County
Jim Whitley

Wilson County

Jennifer Lantz Wilson Economic Development
Jack Wiggins*
Towe Insurance
Lee Stephenson
Stephenson Millwork Company

At-Large Members

Nicole Sheedy* Delta Air Lines
Derek Chen* Strategic International
John White* Dominion Energy

*Denotes Executive Committee Member